“Once the mind has been expanded by an idea or concept, it can never return to its original way of thinking.”

Dolores Cannon

“Once the mind has been expanded by an idea or concept, it can never return to its original way of thinking.”

Dolores Cannon

“Once the mind has been expanded by an idea or concept, it can never return to its original way of thinking.”

Dolores Cannon

“Once the mind has been expanded by an idea or concept, it can never return to its original way of thinking.”

Dolores Cannon

Welcome to VIVIDEARTH!

Our wish is to take you on a journey of discovery; to inspire you to educate yourself about your true purpose here on earth, the real, ancient history of humanity, both on earth and in the cosmos. Ultimately, it is our wish to guide people towards co-creating a New Earth through new, better systems that create a positive outcome for all living beings on this planet and beyond.

Have you seen our new membership option?


You’re invited to join our membership if you’d like to be part of a likeminded community where you will learn to master moving from 3D to 5D in all areas of your life.
We do weekly zoom sessions in which you get to participate, ask questions and connect with people from all over the world as well as in your area.

Anina will present a different topic every week, ranging from the latest intel, global energies, sovereignty, health & wellness and spirituality, as well as how to exit the matrix and build a 5D business and ascension. We also do regular meditations towards the end of our sessions to help us raise our vibration as we prepare for the week ahead.

It’s up to us to co-create and build the new earth with new, more compassionate systems and societies, including new ways to live, operate our businesses and how to function as more conscious communities as we seek to live in peace and harmony with all beings.
We tried to keep the cost as low as possible, it basically only covers our costs to run the programme, which includes web designers, graphic design & administration. If you still can’t afford it, pop us an email at live@vividearth.org and we’ll gift you a membership.

What you’ll get:
– Weekly in-person Zoom calls on Sundays 7pm SAST | 12 pm EST
– To be part of a likeminded community from around the world.
– Ask questions & chat to other participants.
– Connect with people in your area.
– Participate in co-creating new solutions for a new earth.
— Ability to join our private Telegram chat group for members only.
– Recordings of all sessions will be available in your private members area in case you can’t attend a session in person.

The Golden Age

The Golden Age

We are about to enter the Golden Age.
It may not look like it in the 3-dimensional realm, but in the spiritual world the scales have tipped a long time ago.
Consciousness is rising rapidly and the amount of people who are manifesting a positive future for themselves and humankind is rising by the hour.
We can see the old order crumbling rapidly, even if we can’t yet glimpse the contours of the new world.

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Join us for a QiGong Workshop at our brand new MOUNT LIU SANCTUARY!
We’re thrilled to let you know that we will be hosting our first QiGong workshop in our new space to celebrate the opening of our newly opened MOUNT LIU Sanctuary in Hout Bay on Saturday 23 November! 

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WEATHER WAREFARE – how to fight it

WEATHER WAREFARE – how to fight it

For us “dot connectors” or “pattern recognitionists” aka what used to be called by the derogatory name “conspiracy theorist”* it has been clear from the first moment that the recent devastating storms in the Southern USA have been man made or at least massively enhanced…

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The Earth is about to take an evolutionary leap, transitioning into a world of regeneration and peace. This is the end of troubled times, but also the period of greater challenges.
In this scenario, even the most rebellious Spirits mingle with others, serving as catalysts for spiritual growth. They are the ones who apply the toughest tests to the candidates of peace. In dealing with these difficult souls, we develop essential virtues: patience, compassion, serenity and unwavering faith.
Have you ever stopped to think: which group do you fall into?
-Among the meek who will inherit the Earth?
– Or among those who, by their selfishness, serve the purification of others?

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Join lawyer turned spiritual guide, Amanda Lamond and myself, for a free, in-person gathering on the first Saturday of every month in Cape Town and surrounds, starting on Saturday 5th October in Noordhoek. If you you struggle to meet fellow awake people who are on the same page as you – people who get you, want to be sovereign, want to be prepared for what is coming, and who want to sincerely grow their soul and activate their purpose and gifts during this time, then this gathering will feel like a beautiful reunion amongst high vibrational people.

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Clear Skies Await You!

Clear Skies Await You!

(Written by Georg Ritchi & Re-published from Organise Africa) Many people are rightfully scared of the phenomenon of chemtrails. Why am I not talking more about it?We have been aware of the phenomenon at least since 2002.Since our first steps as orgonite gifters,...

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The most powerful minerals against EMF Radiation

The most powerful minerals against EMF Radiation

By now, you're probably aware of how Orgonite works, what benefits it has, and how best you can use it in your day to day life.  Most likely, you already have a piece or several at home and have felt its benefits for yourself.  That's exactly why I think it's time to...

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Telegram Feed

The Golden Age

The Golden Age

We are about to enter the Golden Age.
It may not look like it in the 3-dimensional realm, but in the spiritual world the scales have tipped a long time ago.
Consciousness is rising rapidly and the amount of people who are manifesting a positive future for themselves and humankind is rising by the hour.
We can see the old order crumbling rapidly, even if we can’t yet glimpse the contours of the new world.

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Join us for a QiGong Workshop at our brand new MOUNT LIU SANCTUARY!
We’re thrilled to let you know that we will be hosting our first QiGong workshop in our new space to celebrate the opening of our newly opened MOUNT LIU Sanctuary in Hout Bay on Saturday 23 November! 

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Mount Liu Sanctuary opens its doors this month!

Mount Liu Sanctuary opens its doors this month!

  MOUNT LIU NEW EARTH SANCTUARY OPENS ITS DOORS THIS MONTH! We’re thrilled to let you know that the latest reincarnation of our MOUNT LIU New Earth Sanctuary, in Hout Bay Cape Town will open this November! MOUNT LIU Sanctuary is the new home of my husband, Dr Michael...

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WEATHER WAREFARE – how to fight it

WEATHER WAREFARE – how to fight it

For us “dot connectors” or “pattern recognitionists” aka what used to be called by the derogatory name “conspiracy theorist”* it has been clear from the first moment that the recent devastating storms in the Southern USA have been man made or at least massively enhanced…

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Join lawyer turned spiritual guide, Amanda Lamond and myself, for a free, in-person gathering on the first Saturday of every month in Cape Town and surrounds, starting on Saturday 5th October in Noordhoek. If you you struggle to meet fellow awake people who are on the same page as you – people who get you, want to be sovereign, want to be prepared for what is coming, and who want to sincerely grow their soul and activate their purpose and gifts during this time, then this gathering will feel like a beautiful reunion amongst high vibrational people.

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Clear Skies Await You!

Clear Skies Await You!

(Written by Georg Ritchi & Re-published from Organise Africa) Many people are rightfully scared of the phenomenon of chemtrails. Why am I not talking more about it?We have been aware of the phenomenon at least since 2002.Since our first steps as orgonite gifters,...

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The most powerful minerals against EMF Radiation

The most powerful minerals against EMF Radiation

By now, you're probably aware of how Orgonite works, what benefits it has, and how best you can use it in your day to day life.  Most likely, you already have a piece or several at home and have felt its benefits for yourself.  That's exactly why I think it's time to...

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